Everyday ways of connecting with your intuition


Let’s start by eliminating distractions and stimulation in order to tune into our intuition.  We can remove ourselves for a moment from people, unwanted noise, unnatural visual stimulation, electronic stimulation and find that place where the prospect of interruption is minimal. We live in a world of constant advice coming from all angles telling us we should do this or that.  Behave in this way or that. Speak and act a certain way. Fit into the box of society and the system it feeds.  


We have that inner voice as our guide just waiting to be heard. It tunes into our truth and desires and mirrors them back to us. We can’t deny or mask these truths as they know us well and wish for a life of ease rather than dis-ease. Perhaps you may feel that intuition resides in the heart or gut, or both, hence that gut feeling when we chose the correct, or incorrect course of action in life. So allow yourself to feel into your gut brain and your heart brain. We can shut down from our intuition if we ignore it and withdraw to the brain thoughts. We all know that everyday feeling from the gut as we make decisions throughout the day. It can feel unsettled if things don’t sit well with us. Our gut will immediately notify us if we have made a bad choice or put ourselves or others in danger. And we all know that feeling of dis-ease that lingers from these moments. An example could be if our lifestyle or work choices don't sit well within us. Often many of these behaviours  can lead to gut and heart health problems. As we tune into our intuition we bring harmony into our lives.   The heart brain has been a hot research topic in recent years and it has been found that the wisdom from this aspect of ourselves helps to activate, transform and harmonise energies in the body.  Its powerful electromagnetic force is something that we can tune into and find that sense of intuition which guides us into our purpose and the joy, love and pleasure that accompanies it.


In the moments we have time we can create that space and vision to nurture our intuition. Simply five minutes a day in this space is a good practice for strengthening this ability that we all have.

It can be such a simple place to find if we close our eyes and imagine ourselves in our favourite place and environment. I’m imagining myself sitting on red dirt in the warm sun with a small tree to lean on for support and that perfect amount of shelter. It’s far away from everywhere and a place of peace. From this place my mind thoughts drop away and my intuition sits with me, available to be called on if needed.  From this place, I can ask a question and my intuition is ready to assist me with an answer or suggestion. I will know if I have allowed the answer to come from a pure source as to how it sits with me. I will know intuitively. There will be a measure of dis-ease otherwise.


So finding time everyday for connecting with this place of stillness is a supportive way to build your intuitive connection. Keep it as simple and uncluttered as possible.  Focusing your awareness to the heart, the gut or your vision can be all that is needed. 


In our Soul Nurturing consultations, we work with people to support them to release conditioning and internal barriers to connection with intuition.  When this aspect becomes re-integrated into our everyday life, the ability to govern the physical, mental and emotional, aspects of the self becomes easier and allows for optimum sense of wellbeing and self mastery.  So if you are feeling stuck in yourself in anyway, it may be a good time to stop and listen to your intuition.  For more ideas about working with your intuition you can contact Simone on 0427 320 302 or Michael on 0417 534 647 or email us at info@soulnurturing.com.au