Soul Nurturing and Stories ~ Kinesiology; Massage; Ceremony
At Soul Nurturing this month we have been exploring story and the ways in which it can change a life, define a life, disempower a life or enrich a life. We have observed how our own stories have changed in so many ways, like a sandy landscape that is blown around by the wind and modified by the water and sun. Yet sometimes life takes hold in the sandy landscape and things may grow and flourish when the sand has the right conditions, and our stories can provide us with those opportunities too.
Stories from Simone
I am very blessed to be surrounded by some amazing souls who have shared their story with me. In my clinical practice as a nurse and a Kinesiologist I have keenly observed people’s stories and noticed how they can be so rock solidly concreted into their being, like sand in an amalgam of fear or emotion which perpetuates the story and gives it more and more strength. Sometimes these stories are helpful and give structure to the being, other times, they are destructive stories and are keeping the body in a very rigid and tense state of being. Either way there is much to be gleaned and gained from enquiring into our stories.
Through witnessing my own stories I have observed that they are like a sand dune landscape that is constantly shifting and changing. There was a time in my life when this wasn’t acceptable for me. Being born a Taurean and brought up in a family whose hallmark was loyalty and dedication, it seemed to me that it was very important to be consistent and to stand strong in my beliefs, which I would call stories. And this in itself was a story.
This all changed for me after many dedicated years of eating like a saint, avoiding alcohol, coffee and toxins, practicing meditation, yoga, Qi Gong and any other self healing practice I got my hands on. At the age of 28 I was diagnosed with cancer, and realised that the world was not what I thought it was. Healthy practices did not guarantee a healthy body and spiritual dedication did not guarantee a smooth life.
Long story short, there were many other losses for me around that time and it was quite traumatic, yet through it all, I dropped more deeply into a place of compassion for myself and others. Through my experiences of healing from the cancer and all the surgical and medical treatment involved, I surrendered many of my old stories and focused on the things that brought a sense of joy, love and pleasure. This time of my life birthed a lot of creativity for me and I painted, danced and wrote like crazy with the illumination that came to me in the darkness. I learnt to mine every gem out of that heavy underground place and am looking forward to sharing some resources and transformative heartfelt expressions in my soon to be published book. This is something that I have developed over the past 12 years and while the sandy landscapes in life morph from one thing to another. Watch this space for more on that.
Reflections of Michael’s Journey
The other day I read through a blog I had written just over a year ago that briefly explained my spiritual journey, it’s origins and the practice and beliefs I held at the time. Wow, how things have changed, evolved, and opened up.
It has become intensely personal and a time for me to move quietly, with the utmost humility, and with the deepest respect for what has come, and what may come in the future.
At the end of a training course last year we were asked “ What is it you would like to learn next?”. I remember replying something, almost jokingly like, “ for the great mystery to be revealed!!!”.
Well it feels like that request is slowly manifesting. Put it out there, and the universe will respond.
I wish and will strive to see and live life in the magic and mystery that allows us to dream, and our senses flourish. I still remember the beauty of being read fairy tales and stories as a child. Mythology and Magic.
Life is a beautiful journey, and hopefully we can all find time to sit quietly with ourselves and listen deeply to our inner voice.
I am excited about experiencing and receiving gifts and insights that will allow me to grow and understand more.
Some things happen or come to us and we recognise them as gifts or messages. Perhaps we may wish to shout theses experiences from the rooftops, but there are times when silence is far more appropriate.
We have lived many lives before and carry an abundance of wisdom that has come from that. I see this life as an opportunity to learn, acknowledge and correct past patterns, and to move towards a kind of enlightenment to a higher self.
I am learning to accept the twists and turns of this journey and in doing so experience a full set of emotions rather than flatline through life. Not always easy, but certainly never dull.
It is my desire to listen to my soul and live appropriately, and where possible allow its expression through Art or creativity.
So I hope everyone who is seeking, finds their unique gateway and path that will help them move forward to a greater understanding of this life.