Time for warmth, spice and celebration of food, family and friends
Is winter a time when you are more challenged to feel like you have your health under control? Do you feel more emotional and heavy in your body, like so many parts of you are fighting against the health you have your focus on? No matter what your health goals - weight loss, healthy eating, fitness and exercise or the ability to love your body and yourself, there is always going to be times when you feel a deterioration or a backward step, which can make it feel so easy to give up on yourself and the things that matter. This is the perfect time to stop and take a deeper look at it.
Winter can certainly be a time when we experience some warning signs that there is deterioration going on in the body and emotions, just like nature’s cycle of winter when there is a lot more moisture for decomposition and more hours of darkness to face. The darkness we may face at this time of the year may include physical pain from emotional hurt that has been buried, or exhausted from not listening to your primary needs, or from pushing yourself or over-extending yourself for unrewarding ventures.
According to Chinese medicine, winter is the time when the Kidney and Bladder meridians and organs require our attention. It is common for people to have cold and flu symptoms at this time of the year because the immune system is not as strong and resilient when we are not honouring our body’s need to rest and recover. Indications of the kidney and bladder energy being out of balance and requiring support can include:
*Low back pain
*Low energy, especially between 3 and 7 in the evening
*Emotions such as fear, anxiety, continual worries, lack of resolution, frustration
*Needing to urinate frequently, urgently or having incontinence
*Fluid retention - swollen ankles for example
*Ear and hearing problems
*Low sex drive
These are all signs that your health and your reserves of energy in the body for health are depleted and there is only so long you can compensate for this energy imbalance, before greater, chronic illness symptoms begin to set in. Getting on top of your body’s warning signals early can save you a lot of heartache and strain on your life and finances down the track.
The weather in winter can force us to wind down and go inward, where we find our hidden shadows and buried emotions. We tend to want to be inside more and move less, to do more cosy restful activities like sleeping in, having nurturing warming drinks and foods and cuddling up next to a fire. And perhaps this is exactly what you need to do for yourself? This can give you the opportunity to transform those warning signs into good health and excellent relationship with yourself and others.
Some tips for maintaining good health in winter are very much in keeping with honouring this winter period. For example keeping the body warm with hot drinks, soups and slow cooked stews and roast, using spices such as ginger, turmeric, chai spice blends and pepper and rugging up with clothing, scarves and beanies. Chinese philosophies also promote this time as a time to celebrate food, family and friendships as well as taking time to listen to the inner voice.
Specific imbalances in the body in relation to kidney and bladder energy can arise from a number of factors. These organ systems are related to the element of water, which can bring up many emotional issues, fears and anxieties. Allow yourself that time with your emotions and your shadows, so they can inform you. Witnessing the emotions that arise within us, without judging them, can also be a very nurturing practice. Being truly heard and acknowledged can be extremely healing. When we can do this for ourselves, we are empowered to hear and honour our own needs so the body, mind and soul can be set free.
If deterioration in your health is bothering you, there could be a story inside you that needs unravelling and acknowledging. Warning signs for deteriorating health can easily be misinterpreted or can take a lot of trial and error. If you are like me and love to be super efficient in taking control of your health, then you might want to try a Kinesiology session. It is an exact science that can reveal your unique needs on all aspects of your health, physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically. I would be honoured to come on that journey with you so that you can see the revelations for yourself that so many of my clients experience in a Kinesiology session. Together we can clear the stress that contributes to those warning signs of pain, fatigue, tension and illness, and in the process empower you to know exactly what you need for your health.
Click on this link to find out what people are experiencing with our healing sessions.