Re-orchestrating yin and yang for health is a gift to the body, heart and soul and to the planet at large
It has been a delightful month of travel and time with family for me. I took the leap of creating a pattern break and took time out from my life to travel around Eastern Australia to spend quality time with family and friends.
My body and spirit are feeling so very grateful for the spaciousness of stepping out of the usual working week activities.
Something which has come into my awareness both personally, and in what I am witnessing in my clients is our societal culture of being overly focused on the yang aspects of life; getting all the things done; moving faster; being more productive, driven, externalising and attention on the external environment etc. It is the hidden pandemic that we need to address as a society. The long hours of work and the expectation (or at least availability via mobile phone connection) to be “on” for people at all hours of the day and night, is something that is just as detrimental to our health as the environmental toxins that burden our systems.
Not only are the levels of EMF’s (Electromagnetic Frequencies) from overuse of technology disruptive to health, but so is the stress involved with the attitudes around work and “being enough” and “doing enough” etc. Many of the working systems in society are set up in this way. I am hearing it from many of my clients over the years. Nursing, teaching, corporate jobs, and aged care are just some of the examples of workplaces where your job requirements are greater than the time you have allotted. This drives you to work harder and faster. This can ripple into our personal lives where we take on so many extra activities and time gets eaten up in the busy-ness of life, where extra effort is required to keep up with it all. This can all be mirroring our internal world which is driving our choices and behaviours.
What is your driver? What drives you to keep doing that thing that you don’t want to keep doing?
This is reminding me of a wonderful podcast I heard recently by Alex Howard - Author of Decode Your Fatigue.
He discussed how our personality types can contribute to energy depletion:
This is them in a nutshell…
Helper - everyone else’s needs are made more important than our own. Self worth based on helping and supporting others. Consistently ignoring own body’s messages in order to help others.
Achiever - Self worth based on what we achieve. Ignoring body’s own messages to achieve goals and tasks. Pushing and driving to do more.
Anxiety - seeing that the world is not safe. Thinking our way to a feeling of safety - therefore tired and wired with a constantly activated nervous system
Controller - need to control others and environment to feel safe. Extra effort and stress goes into life.
Perfectionist - sense of self worth and feeling loveable comes from getting things right. Ignoring body’s needs in order to get things right and make things perfect.
And as you can see, they are all yang qualities, disrupting our inner balance of yin and yang. This demonstrates how the yin (internal) qualities such as intuition, instinct, innate timing, flowing, self nurturing and soulful connection are over-ridden, and it is no wonder that there are so many people with sleep problems (can’t wind down and let go) adrenal exhaustion and general fatigue. The yin represents our ability to receive energy and the yang is our ability to give and express energy.
Now is the perfect time for us to develop our yin qualities, especially in the season of autumn as we attune to nature’s rhythm (which is medicine in itself) and slow down and let go of the things that don’t serve us. Healing is as much about letting go as it is adding something to the system. Yes nutritional deficiencies can be at the root of many illnesses, yet if you are unable to utilise nutrition because your body is burdened with toxins or overly taxed in fight/flight/action mode, you are no better off. When we allow this process of letting go of what does not serve us, we give ourselves space and sustenance from source, so that we can ride the winter period from a place of deep connection with our internal world and wisdoms.
These patterns can be very much hard wired into us and can unconsciously be running us. This is why I love kinesiology. It allows us to look into the neurology and the psyche to bring the unconscious and conscious to our awareness, and identify how they are affecting us. Kinesiology techniques additionally offer a pattern break so that you can govern yourself in the way that serves you better. And in particular, my passion is supporting people to access more of their innate intelligence systems through supporting the neurological system to express the soul’s wisdom.
I have a few working days sprinkled throughout the next month in case you felt you needed a consultation on zoom. 1 hour sessions can feel rather inadequate when we are taking the time for you to be heard and coaching you to use self healing strategies and kinesiology techniques for yourself. I therefore recommend a 1.5 hour consultation and have a special offer for this next month. $140 for 1.5 hours.
1 hour consultations are still $130. Click here to book your appointment.
You may wish to bring a pen and paper to take notes for yourself. I will now be charging an extra $30 for any written summaries that you request. If you wish to purchase a recording of your zoom session, I can send it to you for an extra $10.
Blessings for a beautifully balanced and rich inner life