Opportunity from Adversity

Back when I was a very young nurse I was involved in an investigation into the death of a young child that I happened to be nursing.  The child died between the handover of my shift and the next, and I was in absolute shock that this had happened. Especially because I was not aware of it until I was phoned the next day to be informed.  This was one of the most challenging life experiences I have ever had and I suffered a lot of torment as a result of it.  I was provided counselling, but my first counsellor left me feeling even more traumatised, as much as she was trying to help me, she just didn’t have the skills or the message that I needed to receive.  She also didn’t give me much of a chance to express my grief and I give gratitude to her for the learned experience of the importance of expressing grief and the need to be truly heard. 

The second counsellor helped me in just one session.  She listened well and supported me to turn adversity into opportunity.  This has been a very important life lesson for me as a result.  So this is how I see the opportunities in our current adversity:

The 3 key topics that we are experiencing on a collective level:

  1. Strength and resilience cultivated through adversity

When challenging times arise or we hit a metaphorical ‘breakdown’ of some description, it reflects the ‘seaworthiness of our ship’.  I wrote about this in my book ‘Melting Moments’.  Situations of adversity can show up in our life and expose the cracks, or the things that are not operating so well in our body, or any other aspect of self.  It is a great opportunity to heal and resolve these things, so that we are more resilient and feel more whole in the self, ready for the next metaphorical storm that arises.  To begin to strengthen the vessel of your being you may wish to consider this self enquiry:  

What do I need to release in order to feel more aligned with my personal power?

What do I need to embrace to feel more aligned with my personal power?

2. Too much inflammation causes health problems

A whole range of inflammatory conditions are showing up for people, reflecting the inflammatory emotions that people are demonstrating or feeling in response to the polarising topics of the pandemic and vaccination.  It is very important for us to be mindful of where we put our focus.  With so much focus on controversy and injustice, there is less energy and focus on the things that keep us healthy.  

In many people the vaccination itself is causing inflammation and inflammatory conditions such as joint pain, gut problems, eye irritation, throat pain, skin rashes, headache, aches and pains, irritability and burning sensation in lungs, plus cough. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to any pathogen and the spike proteins the body is producing as a result of the vaccine is considered a pathogen.  For many bodies, it is registering as an injury, and inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury.

These inflammatory issues teach us the importance of taking good care of our own health and make us more accountable for consciously choosing what supports us and reject what does not. For energetic healing, you can release inflammatory emotions such as anger, resentment and irritability through using breath and the power of the heart.  Taking deep breaths into your heart as you allow yourself to feel the emotion can support the release of this energy that contributes to inflammation.  The energetics are the program for the physical body so if things are not addressed on this level, they will continue to influence the health of the physical body.

Physically we can support the body to release inflammation through addressing root causes of neuroendocrine inflammation. 

They include:

  • Insulin resistance, where the body is unable to use blood glucose for energy. Obesity, food intake, stress and stress response, glycemic metabolism, and adipose tissue biology may all play a role in this.

  • Chronic stress - affects cortisol dysfunction which can result in chronic, widespread inflammation.

  • Disruption in circadian cycles - disruption to sleep and wake cycle and sleep deprivation can lead to a range of chronic inflammation and health problems.

  • Mold exposure & Chronic infection - any pathogens cause neuroendocrine inflammation to fight infections.

  • Heavy toxic load - Heavy metals, parasites, candida overgrowths, bacterial overgrowths, and xeno-oestrogens such as parabens, pesticides, BPA and other chemicals found in plastics can all disrupt the body’s immune system and regulation of inflammation.

  • EMF exposure - can cause neuroendocrine changes and hormonal disruptions that contribute to inflammation.

  • Nutritional deficiencies that have been found to contribute are B vitamins - particularly B6, folate, and B12, vitamin D, Zinc, Iodine and Magnesium.

  • Food sensitivities may be contributing to inflammation and identifying these can take a lot of pressure off. Commonly we can balance the body for the sensitivity so the diet doesn’t become stressfully restrictive. There may be some foods that need to be removed completely from the diet, but mostly food sensitivities are tied up in stressful associations and once the stress is released the body no longer associates the food with pain or trauma.

Dietary support for inflammation is an important consideration to remove some of the toxic load.  Pro inflammatory foods include highly processed foods, highly refined grains, most packaged foods trans fats such as deep fried foods, margarine, sunflower, safflower, corn and soy oil, grain fed meats and eggs and sugary soft drinks.  Anti-inflammatory foods include turmeric, ginger, bone broth, wild caught salmon, apple cider vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, olives, coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut flakes, fermented vegetables, onion, garlic and herbs such as basil, oregano, thyme, chives.

3. Evolution of consciousness requires us to rise above the good and evil paradigm

When we get caught in the global narratives and media stories, we are feeding the paradigm of good and bad and contributing to the polarity and separation which perpetuates our pain patterns.  There is an invitation to stay focused on our own personal truth and commit to our highest potential so that we can operate from a higher frequency, which is more aligned with divine will, and therefore is more supportive for all of life.

It is time to ask: What are the things that truly matter to me and where in my life am I not being true to this or being distracted from this?


Dr Jockers. Neuroendocrine Inflammation: Symptoms causes and support strategies, Published online https://drjockers.com/neuroendocrine/?ck_subscriber_id=891041820

Diz-Chavez et el. Journal of Endocrinology. 2016. Stressing diabetes? The hidden links between insulinotropic peptides and the HPA axis. Published online https://joe.bioscientifica.com/view/journals/joe/230/2/R77.xml

Hannibal KE, Bishop MD. Chronic stress, cortisol dysfunction, and pain: a psychoneuroendocrine rationale for stress management in pain rehabilitation. Phys Ther. 2014 Dec;94(12):1816-25. doi: 10.2522/ptj.20130597. Epub 2014 Jul 17. PMID: 25035267

Kıvrak EG, Yurt KK, Kaplan AA, Alkan I, Altun G. Effects of electromagnetic fields exposure on the antioxidant defense system. J Microsc Ultrastruct. 2017 Oct-Dec;5(4):167-176. doi: 10.1016/j.jmau.2017.07.003. Epub 2017 Aug 2. PMID: 30023251