Image thanks to Olimpo Ávila Salazar
Welcome to 2022, the year to be true to you.
Many people ask me questions along the lines of - ‘If I do this, will it help me to feel/achieve this?’
These questions don’t have a clear cut answer as that is just not how this world seems to operate. I am sure you have probably noticed this in life already, that what works for one person might not work for another. You may have already noticed that what works for you today might not work for you tomorrow and this is why our inner guidance system and our ability to be present, is so valuable.
When it comes to the human body, I have not found any healing modality in this world that can 100 percent guarantee a set outcome in 100 percent of people. Even pharmaceutical medications are not 100 percent effective for 100 percent of people, 100 percent of the time. There are way too many variables that influence the context of how we operate in a human body.
My modality being kinesiology, demonstrates this with muscle monitoring. I can muscle test someone and their muscle response can show they are in balance, their chakras are in balance, their meridians are in balance, and their body can tolerate all the foods they are eating. I can then put an issue ‘on line’ (this means that I expose the person to an experience or have them remember or think about an experience) and the body will give me a whole different set of muscle responses. The muscle response shows stress or imbalances in the body, emotions, meridians or chakras etc. and can show up a food intolerance when an emotional issue is present. I can challenge the body with the frequency of a heavy metal, bacteria, virus or toxin and there is again a different profile of stress or imbalance that the body shows. The same toxin - for example a particular vaccination, can show very different effects and imbalances for each individual.
Our bodies have an incredible intelligence system and energetic structure which supports our health when we listen to it. I associate this intelligence system as being a sense of personal truth. There are many things in this world that teach us to stop listening to it and to trust more sources outside of our own intelligence - the knowledge of a doctor - the latest science, the media, our parents or the voice of authority for example. I read a quote recently by Albert Einstein that verifies exactly what I have been sensing as the learning opportunity available for us all at the moment. He stated, ‘Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth’.
My invitation to you this year is to tune into your intention for yourself, so that you can continue to orientate yourself and your life from a place of being true to you. And on this note, here is an extract from my recently published book ‘Melting Moments’.
◆ Set your direction with your intentions and this will be like travelling to places with a favourite companion. Intentions give the support that a close friend will give. They are a guiding force, holding your hand and stirring you to action. They are light when you are lost and thinking, What am I doing here, and how do I get out of here?
◆ Ask yourself:
◆ What are your intentions?
◆ What choices and experiences are aligned with
your intentions?
◆ Take these intentions with you when you walk,
swim, dance, and move in any meaningful way.
◆ Who knows where your intentions will lead you
and who knows what they may bring you?
It is truly incredible to see what does show up in your life when you set an intention for yourself for the year. I would also invite you to ask yourself what you need in order to support your intention. Asking is a powerful prayer in itself. This year the intention that felt best for myself was the intention of peace, to choose the thoughts and actions that bring me peace. While I was reading one of my favourite books called Boundless Love by Miranda Holden, (this is in fact the second time I am reading it) I came across this quote which felt much like a gift of guidance in response to my intention:
‘Gratitude offers an inner sanctuary of joy and abundance in a world full of cynicism, defensiveness and fear. It is the simplest means to open up the vast power of your heart. Gratitude interrupts negative emotional states, melts destructive victim mind-sets and releases you back to profound peace.’
Many blessings on your quest for this year. May your potential be activated in many magical ways.
Miller, S. 2020, Melting Moments, Ocean Reeve Publishing, Australia, pp. 105.
Holden, M. 2002. Boundless Love, Rider, London, pp. 93