Picture this and imagine what a vision quest could mean to you…
You have found your place. You have set out your Medicine Wheel and layed out your belongings. It’s here where you will be still and reflect on your life for three days and nights. It’s a commitment, and promise you have entered into with your deeper self, on your path of seeking a fuller, purposeful life.
You begin to scan your surroundings. You notice the larger things. The trees, scrubs, earth, fallen bark and twigs. Perhaps some insects will have shown themselves. Is that a birds nest you spot, close by in a tree? And what bird is that singing?
Many things will be revealed over the next three days. You have let go of all those things that fill your normal days. No mobile phones, televisions, computers to distract you. No chores, dishes to wash, floors to vacuum, meals to cook.
Life will be simple for the next three days. This may introduce challenges.
“What am I to do” you may ask? Will you begin to become restless and pace around, thinking, looking for things you think you should be doing? And hunger may reveal itself early to you. How will you cope with only water to feed you?
You remind yourself of your commitment. You are determined to make the most of your Vision Quest experience. So with time you begin to settle. You find yourself dropping deeper into yourself. You have a strong ally. That inner voice, that understands your deepest secrets and the reason why you are where you are at this very moment.
And as you let go of the world outside your Medicine Wheel you begin to notice your connection to the simple things we can often take for granted. You feel theearth beneath you. You may wish to deepen this connection, and remove your shoes. The wind may call you to breath deeply and fill your whole self with the fragrances of the bush. You may be drawn to touch your surroundings, feel the texture of the leaves, bark, stones, and earth itself. Your hearing may sharpen, along with your eyesight as you connect further to the land, and to yourself.
And slowly, as you do so, you begin to surrender to the process of healing and insight.
You may marvel at the night sky. The stars, and the dark spaces. The sunrise, and sunset. The ever-changing colours of your landscape.
And all along the way, your connection to all things that matter, deepens.
You have entered into your own Meditation, Vipassana, Pilgrimage. The perfect setting for your questions to be asked, and the answers revealed. As you surrender further your connection grows. Perhaps your ancestors speak to you, or the ancestors of the land, for there is tens of thousands of years lineage surrounding you.
There are times when you think of food but your resolve and spirit is strong. A small, short sacrifice for the greater good.
There may be insights you will always remember. Perhaps you write down, or draw the gifts you receive. Whatever comes to you, comes for a reason. It’s a message for you that maybe there are things you need to resolve. And as you do so the path ahead will be clearer. You can see the course of action needed, for you have been guided by your heart. Each day you are visited in the mid morning. Your wellbeing is so important to us. We will check on your physical and spiritual condition, and provide support as needed. But we won’t stay long, and we will keep our conversations brief.
The days pass. Your connection deepens. The creatures around you have noticed you and come to recognise you are no threat, rather one of them. They go about their daily business and perhaps this provides some light entertainment for you. Or maybe they teach you something about yourself. And different creatures come out to play at night. Do you notice the silent bat darting by, or the equally silent owl as it hunts.
Eventually your Vision Quest draws to a close. You have completed something special and deserve a pat on the back. Not many people in our society have the courage to take on such a challenge but you have, and will be more grounded as a result. You may even find yourself reluctant to leave your Medicine Wheel. Just a few more days you may say. You have conquered the dependance for food and found focus in deeper things. You can see yourself extending your VQ experience to five days, maybe even beyond five days, in the future.
As you return to your home you will remember your simple Medicine Wheel in the bush and all you received within. You can picture it clearly, for you know it well, and it you. And the spirits of your place can visit you anywhere, and you them, in your dreams and meditations. The creatures will notice your absence but perhaps you will be drawn back for a visit sometime
To your special place in nature.