Kinesiology in Fremantle
How Has Kinesiology Been Developed as a Healing Modality?
Kinesiology was first developed in the 1960s by a Chiropractor, Dr George Goodheart. He discovered that he could use muscle testing to verify the effectiveness of his spinal corrections. He researched methods whereby muscles could be corrected through lymphatic, neurovascular and spinal reflexes in the body. There have been many developments in Kinesiology since. Other healing modalities have been incorporated into Kinesiology techniques, such as Chiropractic principles, Chinese acupressure and meridians, plant medicines, chakra systems along with the latest research in neurology and neuroplasticity. Kinesiology is now a cutting edge complementary therapy and its effectiveness has been validated in a number of studies, which is how Kinesiology has come to be registered with Health funds for rebates.
What Happens in a Kinesiology Session?
Quite simply, Kinesiology uses muscle monitoring to get information about how your body is functioning and what is out of balance. Initially we discuss what challenges you are experiencing as well as goals that you may have for the session. You will then have the opportunity to lie on the massage table (fully clothed) with shoes off, while we do the bodywork of muscle monitoring and correction techniques such as massaging and holding reflex points on the body. You will be shown how a muscle test works and how it can give feedback about your physical, mental, emotional and energetic health. During the session it is important for you to listen to your body and allow any emotions, memories or physical sensations to arise, so that they can be acknowledged and released. Your personal choice and dignity will be very much respected and it is important for you to express if there is anything that is painful or that does not sit right with you.
Following a session you may experience any number of things. Sometimes people have immediate pain relief, feel lighter and feel more energized. Sometimes people feel tired or emotional while the body is still releasing and processing the changes it is making for self healing. Don’t underestimate just how much energy is required for healing the body. It is important to honour your body’s need for rest and recovery if you are feeling tired following a session. If you have any concerns or an increase in pain levels at the end of a session or following a session, please get in touch with me to discuss strategies for resolving any problems.
How does it work?
Kinesiology reveals the stressors and patterns that are affecting your health and wellbeing in relation to all aspects of yourself. With this we can discern exactly what is out of balance for you and support your body with its natural ability for self healing. When we release stress from the body it supports it to function at its optimum – that includes immune system function, brain function, digestive function, hormonal balance, emotional modulation and many other functions of the body. When the muscles are in balance your body posture improves and there is less risk of straining or injuring yourself.
The key to the effectiveness of Kinesiology is the way it can access unconscious and subconscious sabotages that affect your ability to have a fully functional body. It offers a process of peeling off layers of stress and conditioning that has adversely affected our function over many years. Kinesiology supports you to release negative patterns and postures and create new neurological pathways and behavioural patterns. By aligning the body’s conscious and subconscious with the expression of the soul, it supports you to function at your fullest potential and become a lot clearer to achieve your goals. Ill health and pain is created in the body over time through compensatory and defence patterns. As we peel off each layer of stress a new layer of stress may be revealed, which means you may become aware of a new pain or emotion which had previously been suppressed. This gives the opportunity to address the underlying issue and release it. The less energy we put into compensating for all these compensatory and defence patterns, the more energy we have to do the things we love and to self heal.
Your first Kinesiology session is orientated to establishing healthy neurological functions and releasing survival patterns for you to become more present and centered in yourself. This will also give you a greater capacity for integrating positive changes. Follow up sessions allow us to fine tune things and address how we can support you to maintain your balance and body’s energy and health in relation to circumstances that trigger your physical or emotional problems.
How Much Time is Required for Kinesiology Consultations?
In my 18 years of practicing Kinesiology I have found that it is most effective for me to see you for at least 3 consultations approximately 1 to 2 weeks apart initially. This gives the best opportunity to create neurological stability and then get to the core of issues that are affecting your health and wellbeing. Each session tends to be between approximately 1.5 hours. Following this you can decide if there are still aspects of your health or mental or emotional patterns that you would like to receive support with. Commonly people will choose to have further sessions on a regular basis, for example monthly, to continue to address any issues or stress that might arise. I have developed an excellent structure of consultations and follow up support so that people get outstanding results and positive changes, as I know just how incredible this tool of Kinesiology can be when it is used effectively.
I see many children with behavioural and learning challenges and these sessions can be between 40 minutes and 1.5 hours depending on the age of the child and the complexity of the problem. Behavioural issues are generally related to learning problems.... more on that in another blog! The number of sessions advised for a child will vary greatly, depending on each case. There are a great number of neurological pathways involved in learning, and to thoroughly assess and balance the brain for learning is best done over at least 4 sessions. There can be improvements along the way, yet it is such a gift to give a child the opportunity to completely access their brain functions as it makes life a lot easier for them and for everyone else around them.
What Do I Need to Know to Support Myself After a Consultation?
A Kinesiology consultation works with the nervous system and the muscles which requires good hydration for functioning. It is therefore important to drink plenty of water following your session. This will also help the body's detoxification process if toxicity was addressed in your session. You may feel you need more rest or sleep than what you have been accustomed to. This is normal and an important thing to give yourself for integrating the neurological changes taking place.
Life can continue to present challenges where you have the opportunity to practice new ways of responding from a place of choice and awareness. The more awareness you can exercise, the more you will get from the sessions, and the more you will benefit from making choices that support you. Often after a consultation people find that they are confronted head on with their issues of stress. If this happens pay particular attention to what you need in this moment. Just as our body gives us indications for our physical needs eg. thirsty when you need to drink, hungry when you need to eat, our melt downs and emotions are also important to acknowledge as they demonstrate our mental, emotional and spiritual needs. So be kind to yourself in these moments and give yourself the time and space to be heard. We all know how good it feels to be heard and acknowledged and we can do this for ourselves. Be aware that others may want to pull you back into old patterns or what your old self would do. Remember to tune into what feels right for you when you notice yourself falling into the old ways that no longer serve you.
Every moment you have the opportunity to redefine yourself and to choose how you respond and how you care for yourself with a fresh perspective. In every moment you get to choose how much stress you want to put on yourself. Stress is a huge contributor to pain, inflammation, immune system problems and mental health problems, so it is really worth mastering how you deal with stress. Be gentle with yourself while your body, mind and spirit are making their adjustments and learning new ways of being.
Ultimately, through Kinesiology you will learn to connect with your body’s potential for self healing. Through becoming attuned to your body’s wisdom for healing and recognizing when you need support to move through your blind spots, we can work together to master your self-healing abilities.
If you have any further questions or feedback about Kinesiology, I would love to hear from you.
Thanks, xo Simone Miller,
0427 320 302