Hydrate and Heal your Body
We can very easily underestimate just how much water our body needs and how much it loses at this time of year. The body loses water not only through sweating, but also through breathing and through our metabolic and digestive processes. In summer we tend to be more active and metabolism is increased and more heat is generated, using more water from the body. It has been estimated that we lose over 1 Litre of water per day and this is increased when we perspire, or in dry environments such as air conditioning. If you love your alcohol and caffeinated teas - green and black, coffee or energy drinks, this is also going to increase the amount of water your body loses.
So why is hydration so important?
Our brain and nervous system is reliant on adequate hydration for proper function. Additionally electrolytes and some nutritional building blocks are stored in the body's fluids. When hydration and electroytes are out of balance the following symptoms can be experienced.
brain fog
back pain
muscle cramps
general weakness
PLUS, let's just think about how much extra stress a lack of water and a lack of function is placing on you. Life is stressful enough as it is, without adding to the mix. This kind of stress is easily resolved and eliminated simply with awareness and self care. So if you would love to have more energy, enjoy your body's movements and feel switched on for any challenge that may come your way, here are some useful tips.
It is advised that you drink at least 1.5 L to 2 L of pure water per day. Your urine ought to be a light yellow colour. If it is a dark yellow you are already showing signs of dehydration. Some people find that they can drink water and still feel dehydrated or be urinating pale coloured fluid frequently. This is a sign that your body is not managing its fluids so well and your electrolytes may be out of balance. In a Kinesiology session we work with reflex points that help organ functions and biochemical processes. Techniques are used to release stress and increase the body's energy to maintain a balanced healthy function. We can also assess what nutrition is lacking to support your body to get the building blocks it needs for bringing hydration status back into balance.
Watch out for these signs that your body is not appropriately managing fluid and hydration:
#You are drinking plenty of water yet still feeling thirsty
#You are feeling bloated as a result of drinking water
#You feel the water is going straight through to be eliminated as very pale coloured urine
Here are some home support tips for this:
#Drink frequently through the day, avoiding sugary drinks such as soft drinks and cordials. #Reduce or eliminate alcohol and caffeinated drinks.
#Drink your water with the addition of himalayan or sea salt and apple juice. This can help to replenish electrolytes and support the movement of water into the cells of the body.
#Coconut water sipped frequently through the day is another option to help the body to rebuild its electrolyte balance.
#Hydrolyte tablets or ORS sachets available at chemists or supermarkets are also good to prevent dehydration. These are what you use in cases of vomiting, diarrhoea or gastro illnesses so as with any medicine, don't overdo it.
#Increase hydrating foods into your diet... in particular melons, cucumber, tomatoes, oranges, lettuce
As you have probably already heard, by the time you are thirsty, the body has already got the signal that it is dehydrated, so starting that habit of having a water bottle as your best buddy, by your side always, and drink regularly. If you are drinking alcohol, get in the habit of having a drink of water between each alcoholic drink. Listening to your body's limits and its many cries for water is self love and self care at its best in Summer.
Happy festive season everyone.