“Charles T. Krebbs, PhD is former Associate Professor, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, and former Chief
Analytical Chemist and Head of the EPA Water Quality Laboratory has published scientific papers & three
books, A Revolutionary Way of Thinking, Nutrition for the Brain and the field defining textbook Energetic
Kinesiology. The Principles and Practice. Charles worked with Clinical Psychologists, Speech Pathologists,
Neurologists and other health professionals to develop AcuNeuroSync, a system to address trauma,
hormonal, and immune conditions, and the Learning Enhancement Acupressure Program (LEAP), an
effective program for correction of learning problems. He currently is Adjunct Researcher at Harvard Medical
School and runs a clinical Practice at The Lydian Center for Innovative Healthcare in Cambridge, MA.”
The basis of all Energy Medicine is that we live in a Vibrational Universe largely constructed by interacting waveforms, and out of the interaction of these waveforms emerges our Physical World. Physical Reality therefore is an emergent property of interaction of waveforms at all levels. How this happens scientists are still trying to understand, but there are some well-developed models in both Physics and Metaphysics that may be combined to gain a basic understanding of the “True” Nature of our reality. Understanding our Energetic Structure begins with the current Physics model of our Universe, the particles that comprise it and how they interact to form Physical Reality, and then we need to delve deeply into a Metaphysical model that extends beyond (meta – merely means beyond in Latin) this Physical model to incorporate the more ‘energetic’ components of our world into a coherent model providing a role for Consciousness and Intention and how these waveforms can affect our Physical world.
Life is a paradox to current Physics because it is an apparent violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics or Entropy. This law stated in a basic simplistic form is that energy always runs downhill, from ordered to disorder and all physical things should degrade, decompose or degenerate over time; that is – all physical structures should become more disorganised over time yet living organisms become more ordered and then maintain that order against the ravages of Entropy in some living plants for millennia. Normally physics addresses this paradox by saying – “Yes, life is negative entropy but it is only a temporary perturbation as when any living organism dies it immediately follows the law of Entropy and decays and rots away to its initial constituents that indeed do become randomly dispersed over time. And secondly, this ordered state is only maintained by the constant input of energy to work against Entropy – therefore no paradox!”
However, this begs the questions – “How does merely putting energy in create order? Where does the information to provide this order come from?” The model of Physics developed by Dr. William Tiller incorporates both the current Physics and Metaphysics, and provides mechanisms by which these two domains interact. His model also addresses the phenomenon of how Consciousness can interact with our Physical world, and how amazing processes such as Healing can occur and, indeed, should occur according to this model. Tiller’s model lays the basis for Energy Medicine in all its various forms. Energy Medicine is based upon enhancing, manipulating or stimulating “energy flows” within the Energetic Body of humans to re-establish harmonious interactions, both energetically and physiologically. To understand how this might happen one needs a basic understanding of the structure and function of the primary energetic systems of the human body: the Chakra-Nadi System, the Acupuncture Meridian System and the Tibetan Figure Eight Energy System. Because these great energy systems constantly interact to influence each other as well as the physical body and physiology, the various types of Energy Medicine, although employing apparently different techniques, may all be effective.
A tenet of all Energy Medicine, from Homeopathy to Acupuncture to Ayruvedic Medicine to Crystal Healing, is that changes in these energy flows become manifest in more normalised physiological function. Whether it be the ‘pranic’ flows of the Chakra System, the ‘Ch’i flows of the Acupuncture System, or the ‘vibrational patterns’ of homeopathic nosodes, all energy medicines provide a mechanism of bringing informational energy into the physical body, and it is this informational energy that then sustains and maintains the physical body and its diverse physiological functions. From the perspective of Energy Medicine, it is the transduction of these subtle flows of informational energy into physiology that permits Life to exist and Healing to occur. We now have Models to provide a framework for a deeper understanding of these transductional processes. Chaos Theory: While Ilio Prigionone won the Nobel Prize in 1977 for his description of Chaos theory and this theory of self-organisation provides powerful descriptions of many physiological systems, Chaos theory has proved of less interest to physicists primarily because it is descriptive, but not very predictive. The basis of Chaos theory is that in very complex interacting systems, random input will overtime lead to a critical point or Phase Transition that spontaneously creates a self-organised system. Once self-organised, this system robustly resists further perturbation, thus maintaining its ordered state against further disruptive input, unless or until the input is strong enough to drive the system into a chaotic state once more, creating another Phase Transition leading to a different self-organised system that again resists perturbation. However, which of many different self-organised systems might result from each Phase Transition is not predictable because small inputs at critical times may totally change the predicted outcome.
The brilliant French mathematician, Henri Poincarné in 1899, developed the mathematical equations underlying Chaos theory but because of the complexity of his equations he could not prove them at the time. It was only with the advent of the computers with the capacity to run these equations over and over again – something it would have taken Poincarné years to do by hand calculation – that Chaos theory was fully developed. One of the major mathematical tools of Chaos theory is Fractal Geometry, which has proven to provide powerful descriptions of physical and physiological processes when applied to the branching of blood vessels of the circulatory system or the branching of the bronchioles of the lungs as well as other systems in the human body. However, Chaos theory can also provide a powerful description of how the body maintains homeostasis, and what happens when stress disrupts normal homeostatic states. At first, because these systems are self-organised, when a stressor exerts pressure to perturb the system, the system responds by ‘resisting’ this perturbation and maintaining the system within normal homeostatic limits. To do so however, requires energy to maintain this compensated homeostasis, and the new homeostasis established is now a compensated state further from optimum homeostasis. If the stressor is strong enough, or goes on long enough, then the system is pushed beyond its homeostatic limits – it goes ‘critical’ or into a Phase Transition and becomes chaotic. This chaotic disorganised state is called ‘Distress’ in physiology, and if on-going is termed Illness or Disease.
The 3 Stages of Stress: The great Physiologist, Dr. Hans Selye won the Nobel Prize in 1954 for his description of how animals respond to stress – the General Adaptation Syndrome. He described how there are Three Stages of Stress and the physiology associated with each state. While it was still more than two decades before Chaos theory would be discovered, each of Selyes’ Stages of Stress matches with the dynamics of Chaos theory as applied to physiology and physiological reactions to Stress. Below is a description of Selyes Stages of Stress and the Chaos theory state associated with each.
Stage 1 Stress he called the Stage of Alarm – a function has been pushed beyond its normal self-correcting limit and has now become chaotic. The result of Stage 1 Stress he termed – ‘Distress’ as the uncompensated ‘disorder’ now overtly created physiological dysfunction.
Stage 2 Stress resulted from the body re-establishing physiological function within normal limits by going through a Phase Transition to a new but compensated Homeostasis within homeostatic limits, but further from optimum homeostasis. The movement away from optimum homeostasis resulted from the compensatory energetic input required to ‘resist’ the on-going stressor. Further disruptive inputs (stressors) required use even more energy to ‘resist’ these additional perturbations. This is why he termed Stage 2 Stress the Stage of Resistance. Stage 3 Stress resulted when the organism could no longer maintain the energetic compensations created during Stage 2 Stress, and once again the function became chaotic and disrupted physiological function.
Because the animal had exhausted its energy reserves to maintain compensation, Selyes termed Stage 3 Stress, the Stage of Exhaustion, and the end of this Stage was Death. With death, the energy systems maintaining a coherent informational flow to maintain the body as an ordered and functional being ceased, and at this point the physical body does indeed follow the Second Law of Thermodynamics and decay or decompose returning to its disordered state once more. By combining an understanding of the Energy Systems that carry organisational information into the Physical body with Chaos Theory, a model of Healing is developed that explains what healing is and why, like Life itself, it reverses Entropy and is negative entropy in action.
For Kinesiologists, the states of muscle imbalance relate to the Stages of Stress, and what this tells us about health and sickness both physiologically and energetically is important to understanding the relationship between our thoughts, emotions and muscles and how they are impacted by shortterm and long-term stressors. These physiological states are represented in the different primary Energetic Systems of the body. Kinesiology may be used as a biofeedback tool to both detect and re-balance these disturbed energetic systems. Energy Alignment: When our Physical body and our Energetic bodies become ‘mis-aligned’, this misalignment disturbs the coherent and harmonious interactions between our information carrying Energetic bodies and our Physical body. This disruption of informational energy that maintains the structure and function of our Physical body may then lead to both altered psycho-emotional perceptions and physiological disturbances. We may use kinesiological techniques to Realign the Energetic and Physical bodies. This re-alignment can have significant consequences for our psycho-emotional and physical well-being. So while our physical bodies can and do interact physically, our energetic bodies also interact in a number of ways. There are Intra-personal interactions, those interactions between one part or system of our energetic body with another; Inter-personal interactions between one person’s energetic bodies and another person’s energetic bodies; and Alien energy-personal interactions between energetic structures in a person’s environment and their energetic bodies.
Because energetic disturbances are transduced to physiological function, these energetic interactions do not only affect our feeling and thinking, but may also directly affect our physiological function. Kinesiological techniques may be utilised to detect and correct these energetic interactions. It is also relevant and important to consider the meaning of Psychic Protection. What are you protecting yourself against? What is an effective approach to ‘protect’ yourself energetically, and when should you use it?