Mental Health - Everyone's Business

Mental Health is an issue that every being will confront at some point in life.  People take mental health days off work and this is an accepted practice in many workplaces.  Compassionate leave and stress leave is another example of mental health issues being acknowledged.  Life throws many challenges, emotional, mental and physical which have a significant effect on how we feel within our mind and our body.  And then there are people who live with a mental health disorder, diagnosed in one form or another.  Mental health disorders is an area which is not dealt with so well in our system as it is today.  There tends to be a revolving door syndrome for people with mental health conditions frequently landing back in hospitals or being extradited from their community.  The stigma attached to mental health disorders puts a further wedge between integrating all people into society and community.  Conditions of anxiety and depression are also becoming more prevalent adding to the discord in community.  And maybe it is community and connection that has the solutions.

We have a friend whom unfortunately has suffered the effects of a mental health disorder for a large part of his life. Recently we noticed his mental health slipping and we as his community had a choice. Do we allow him to retreat to his room with his medication and face his demons alone?  Or do we unite and offer support and love to our friend?
A decision was made. We would support our friend by gathering up his community and offering a ceremony of healing and encouragement. Each of us attending had the opportunity to offer words and simple gifts from nature to our friend.
To see his tears of joy and smiling face on the completion of the ceremony was truly wonderful.
As Lewis Mehl Madrona (Psychiatrist and Cherokee healer) suggests, if a member of our community is ill and suffering, the whole community suffers and is responsible for the health of the individual. "Only the community as a whole can bring about the partnerships between modern resources and traditional healing that will capitalize on the best practices of both systems."  For eons the value of Ceremony has played out in traditional society.  Perhaps now is the time to return to these traditional ways.
So in times of struggle, let’s come together and support each other. It sounds so simple and it is so simple. The value of family, community and belonging are fundamental to our being.  Each of us can take responsibility for asking “Are you Ok” and each of us can take responsibility to reach out and ask for help when we know we need it. 

Our Soul Nurturing services provide the space for you to listen to the needs of your soul and consequently take the actions you need to take to remain strongly connected to serving yourself and your community.  Phone us today to explore the ways in which you can build healthier connections in your mind, your body and your community.

Simone 0427 320 302

Michael 0417 534 647